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International Seminar hosted by Forestry Agency

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International Seminar “The Promotion of Sustainable Forest Management to Achieve SDGs and Other Global Commitments”

The year 2015 marked an important milestone in advancing global effort toward sustainable forest management with not only ECOSOC resolution on the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF) beyond 2015 but also the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development including SDGs and the UNFCCC Paris Agreement as well as the launch of the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2015. The global community must take a further step to the next stage in order to fulfil these commitments set out therein, while most countries face several challenges such as lack of financial resources and technical capacity as well as weak governance structure.

Against this background, The International Seminar “The Promotion of Sustainable Forest Management to Achieve SDGs and Other Global Commitments” was held on 9th of March, 2016 co-hosted by the Forestry Agency and the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF Secretariat).


The seminar was co-hosted by the Forestry Agency of Japan and the UNFF Secretariat under the auspices of the Minisry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Date and Venue

Date: March 9, 2016, 13:30-17:00
Venue: Tekko-Kaikan, Room 801 (3-2-1, Kayabacho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)


Over 120 people from 15 countries (government officials, international organizations, research institutes, private sector and academia)


(1) Explanation on the background and objective of the seminar
About Today's Seminar ~What needs to be done to take a further step in advancing global commitments to promote SFM~ (PDF:1,173KB)
Mr. Kunio Shimizu, Senior Policy Analyst for International Affairs, Forestry Agency of Japan
(2) Presentations
Message for the International Seminar “The Promotion of Sustainable Forest Management to Achieve SDGs and Other Global Commitments” (PDF:175KB)
Mr. Sven-Eric Bucht, Minister for Rural Affairs, Sweden
Global Prespectives on Forests and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (PDF:1,213KB)
Mr. Manoel Sobral Filho, Director, UNFF
Implementing Sustainable Forest Management ?Some Experiences from Malaysia (PDF:1,929KB)
Dr. Bin Che Yeom Freezailah, Chairman of the Malaysian Timber Certification Council
Advancing Global Commitments to Promote Sustainable Forest Management (PDF:541KB)
Mr. Lambert Okrah, President and Chief Executive Officer, Major Groups Partnership on Forests
JICA's Cooperation for Sustainable Forest Management (page 1-24 (PDF:1,914KB)) (page 25-45 (PDF:1,551KB))
Mr. Kazuhiro Goseki, Executive Technical Advisor to the Director General, Global Environmental Department, JICA
(3) Panel Discussion
Facilitator: Mr. Ken Goto, Assistant Director, Division of Forest Management, ITTO
  • Dr. Ulrich Apel, Senior Environmental Specialist, GEF
  • Mr. Mattias Schwoerer, Head of division, International and European Forest Policy, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture,Germany
  • Dr. Bin Che Yeom Freezailahi, Chairman of the Malaysian Timber Certification Council
  • Mr. Lambert Okrah, President and Chief Executive Officer, Major Groups Partnership on Forests
  • Mr. Kazuhiro Goseki, Executive Technical Advisor to the Director General, Global Environmental Department, JICA
Go to the seminar homepage (Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan).


International Forestry Cooperation Office, Planning Division, Private Forest Department
Forestry Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8952, JAPAN
Tel. : +81-3-3502-8881 (ext. 6146), +81-3-3591-8449
Fax : +81-3-3593-9565