Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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Seminars / Workshops

Upcoming Events

International Seminar : Promoting Forest-based Disaster Risk Reduction (F-DRR) in the international development activity and framework
FFPRI Seminars During COP28 : Sustainable Forest Management for the mitigation and adaptation against climate change

Past Events

International Seminar : Sharing F-DRR approaches and techniques with developing countries: Experiences, realities and opportunities of private sectors
FSFPRI Seminars During COP27
①Official side event "Adaptation and NDCs in Africa and Asia: How much progress in the agroforestry and forestry sectors ?"
②Japan Pavilion Seminar "Nature-based solutions in forest sector to promote mitigation and adaptation against climate change"
International Seminar : Protecting Coastal Areas with Forests :
Toward the Development of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Technology
Asia Pacific Climate Week 2021 Side event : Utilizing forest functions for mitigating and adapting to climate change
International Seminar : Exploring the potential of forest-based disaster risk reductions (F-DRR)
International Workshop : Natural disasters and risk reduction measures in Vietnam and Japan
International Seminar : REDD+ Start-up Year 2020:
Roadmap to Result-based and Transferable Outcomes for Sustainable Development
UNFCCC COP25 Side Event :
Forest based solutions in the tropics for combating climate change and achieving SDGs
International Seminar : Overview the history of REDD-plus and explore opportunities
UNFCCC COP24 Side Event (Japan Pavilion)
Implementing REDD-plus with ecological landscape approaches
UNFCCC COP24 Side Event (Official)
Restoring degraded tropical forests : Reconciling carbon, biodiversity and community resilience
International Seminar : Key to expand REDD-plus - Approaches and challenges for REDD-plus learned from practice in the field -
UNFCCC COP23 The Japan Pavilion Workshop, ''Potential and Challenges on the Private Sector's Contributions to the Implementation of REDD-plus activities''
UNFCCC COP23 Side Event, ''Mangroves in the Tropics: Realizing their Potential for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation''
International Seminar : For Incentivizing REDD+ Actions - Bridging Public-Private Investment -
International Symposium on REDD-plus, Japan's Contribution - Role of Japan's Private Sector for Implementing the Green Economy in Developing Countries -
The Future of REDD+ - Interpreting FREL/FRL for Post-2020 Framework-
UNFCCC COP 21 Japan Pavilion Side Event: Efforts by Japan’s Public Private Partnership toward REDD+ Initiative
Training Workshop on REDD+ Research Project in Peninsular Malaysia
International Seminar: REDD+ Finance Mechanism and Its Optimum Use - How to incentivize forest conservation