Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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International Workshop

International Workshop
"Natural disasters and risk reduction measures in Vietnam and Japan"


December 23, 2020, Wednesday, 15:00-17:00 (JST)


Vietnam and Japan share geographical and climatic similarities, such as steep mountainous terrain and long coastlines, as well as damages from torrential rains, high tides, and tsunamis caused by typhoons and trench earthquakes.

In this workshop, the two countries will introduce the actual features of natural disasters in their forest areas and their countermeasures, and discuss the needs and possibilities for the development of forest-based disaster prevention and mitigation technologies.

Meeting format



To register, please refer to the web-page here.

International Workshop
"Natural disasters and risk reduction measures in Vietnam and Japan"


1. Opening remarks / Explanation of purpose (5 minutes) Dr. Yasumasa Hirata, Principal Research Director, FFPRI
2. Keynote speech (5 minutes) Prof. Dr. Vo Dai Hai, President, VAFS
3. Presentation 1 (20 minutes) Issue 1 Relationship (VAFS) Mountain disasters and disaster prevention measures (provisional), Dr. Vu Tan Phuong, Deputy Director in charge of International Cooperation Science, Post graduate training and International Cooperation Dept. VAFS
4. Presentation 2 (20minutes) Issue 1 Relationship (FFPRI) Types of mountain disasters occurring in Japan and research / research on them (provisional) Dr. Takashi Okamoto and Dr. Wataru Murakami, FFPRI
Q & A (5minutes)
6. Presentation 3 (20 minutes) Issue 2 Relationship (VAFS) Coastal disasters and disaster prevention measures (mangrove), Dr. Nguyen Thuy My Linh, VAFS
7. Presentation 4 (20 minutes) Issue 2 Relationship (FFPRI) Roles of mangrove vegetation in reducing the impact of swell waves: A review of the importance of coastal mangrove conservation and restoration. (provisional)Dr. Kenji Ono, FFPRI Tohoku
Q & A (5minutes)
9. General discussion (10 minutes) Needs for disaster prevention / mitigation technology development and countermeasures?
10. Summary / Closing remarks (5 minutes)

YouTube (English only)