Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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International Seminar

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Exploring the potential of forest-based disaster risk reductions (F-DRR)


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January 27, 2021 15:00-17:30 (JST)


The Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change points out that the warming of climate system is unequivocal and changes of land and water surface temperature, and sea level among others are observed. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Article 2 of the Paris Agreement states that increasing the ability to adapt to the changing climate is stated as the objective of the agreement together with the goal of limiting the temperature increase to less than 2 degrees Celsius. In recent years, the progress of climate change, frequent land use changes accompanied by forest fires, and increased damage from landslides and other disasters caused by severe weather events around the world have become commonplace, and the Forest-based Disaster Risk Reduction (F-DRR) program has become an important tool for climate change adaptation and disaster mitigation, leading to the strengthening of sustainable resilience by taking advantage of the characteristics of local natural and ecological systems. It is expected to be a nature-based solution that will contribute to both mitigation and adaptation. In order to contribute to these, there is a potential to apply Japan's technologies and experiences on disaster prevention systems to developing countries through research and further development of the appropriate technologies and capacity buildings.

In 2020, FFPRI established the REDD-plus and F-DRR Research and Development Center to conduct research and development on sustainable forest management and conservation in developing countries including climate change mitigation and adaptation.

This seminar aims to "Exploring the potential of forest-based disaster risk reductions (F-DRR)" by providing information on international trends of F-DRR strategies and practices, and reporting on specific policy and technical approaches and challenges from some countries. In addition, a panel discussion will be held to share the needs and challenges of F-DRR, and to discuss the future direction and possibilities of F-DRR.


Opening session(15:00-15:30)

Keynote speech "Potentiality of F-DRR"
 Dr. Tohru Nakashizuka (Forest Research and Management Organization)

Session 1: International trends in F-DRR strategies and practices(15:30-16:00)

  • "Global frameworks on adaptation such as Paris Agreement, including the aspect of disaster risk reduction"
     Mr. Osamu Mizuno (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES))
  • "Watershed management for disaster risk reduction"
     Dr. Thomas Hofer (FAO)
  • "Risk Changes: An Open-Source Tool for Multi-hazard Risk Assessment and Decision Making"
     Dr. Manzul Kumar Hazarika (Asian Institute of Technology Thailand (AIT))

Session 2: Policy and technical initiatives and challenges in each country(16:00-16:30)

  • "Forest-based Natural Disasters Mitigation in Vietnam: State and Challenges"
     Dr. Vu Tan Phuong (Vietnamese Academy of Forest Science (VAFS))
  • "Inle Lake Integrated Watershed Management jointly implemented by the Forest Department of Myanmar and Japan International Cooperation Agency"
     Mr. Si Thu Aung (Forest Department, Myanmar)
  • "Research on F-DRR by FFPRI: Toward prevention and mitigation of sediment-related disasters"
     Dr. Takashi Okamoto (FFPRI)

Panel Discussion(16:30-17:00)

"Potential of F-DRR -Needs and Challenges-"

Wrap-up Session(17:00-17:30)

Registration is required

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International Seminar 2021:
Exploring the potential of forest-based disaster risk reductions (F-DRR)

YouTube (2:09:45):

27 January (Wed)
Time Name Affiliation Presentation Proceedings
15:00 Opening session
15:00 - 15:30 Dr. Yasumasa Hirata FFPRI Opening remarks
Mr. Hongo Koji Director General, Forestry Agency Guest speech
Keynote speech: Potentiality of F-DRR
Dr. Tohru Nakashizuka Forest Research and Management Organization Potentiality of F-DRR
15:30 - 16:00 Session 1: International trends in F-DRR strategies and practices
Mr. Osamu Mizuno Institute for Global Environmental Strategies(IGES) Global frameworks on adaptation such as Paris Agreement, including the aspect of disaster risk reduction
Dr. Thomas Hofer Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO) Watershed management for disaster risk reduction
Dr. Manzul Kumar Hazarika Asian Institute of Technology Thailand(AIT) Risk Changes - An Open Source Tool for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Decision Making
16:00 - 16:30 Session 2: Policy and technical initiatives and challenges in each country
Dr. Vu Tan Phuong Vietnamese Academy of Forest Science (VAFS) Forest-based Natural Disasters Mitigation in Vietnam: State and Challenges
Mr. Si Thu Aung Forest Department, Myanmar Inle Lake Integrated Watershed Management jointly implemented by the Forest Department of Myanmar and Japan International Cooperation Agency
Dr. Takashi Okamoto FFPRI Research on F-DRR by FFPRI: Toward prevention and mitigation of sediment-related disasters
16:00 - 16:30 Panel Discussion: Potential of F-DRR -Needs and Challenges- 
Moderator : Dr. Takeshi Toma(FFPRI)
Panelist:Speakers of Session 1 and Session 2
17:00 - Dr. Yasumasa Hirata FFPRI Closing Remark
17:30 Closing