Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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International Seminar

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International Seminar

Key to expand REDD-plus
- Approaches and challenges for REDD-plus learned from practice in the field -

Date and Venue

February 7, 2018  10:00-17:30

International Conference Hall, Tokyo International Exchange Center
(Tokyo Academic Park, 2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8630 Japan)


Fundamental framework for implementation of REDD-plus, including monitoring, safeguards and result based finance, was adopted at the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP19) to UNFCCC held in Warsaw in 2013. Actions to implement and support REDD-plus activities were also included in the Paris Agreement adopted at COP21 in 2015 and entered into force in November 2016.

In light of these circumstances, REDD-plus is expected to have high potential to produce diverse effects such as conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity and alleviation of poverty in local communities. REDD-plus activities have been implemented in many developing countries. It is necessary to design and organize international institutions for REDD-plus including financial mechanisms and to encourage the private sector to participate in the REDD-plus activities. Furthermore, it is required to organize various technical outcomes that will support these mechanisms as the result of research and development.

In this seminar, focusing on technical challenges such as development of a low-cost measuring method for emission reductions in accordance with national circumstances and evaluation of local level activities of REDD-plus under national emission reductions, we will share outcomes of those and discuss how to promote the participation of the private sector in REDD-plus.

Key Questions

  • How to accurately measure emission reductions at low cost ?
  • What are the future challenges of MRV learned during the establishment of the reference level in developing countries ?
  • How to allocate carbon credits and other profits among stakeholders when more than one project is working in the same area ?
  • What supports are needed for the implementation of REDD-plus by the private sector in view of safeguards ?


Keynote speech  Implementation and Future Challenges of REDD-plus - Toward harmonizing benefits of local communities and forest conservation -

Prof. Toshinori Okuda (Hiroshima University)

Session 1   Measurement of emission reductions and development of reference level

Dr. Julian Fox (FAO)
Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hung (Forest Inventory and Planning Institute, Viet Nam)
Mr. Kei Suzuki (Japan Forest Technology Association)

Session 2   REDD-plus activities at local level and participation of the private sector in REDD-plus

Mr. Kosaku Onaka (Forestry Agency)
Ms. Milagros Sandoval (Conservation International Peru)
Dr. Kimiko Okabe (FFPRI)

Panel discussion   Future challenges to promote REDD-plus with private sector participation
Prof. Toshinori Okuda
Mr. Kei Suzuki
Dr. Kimiko Okabe
Dr. Julian Fox
Mr. Kosaku Onaka
Dr. Gerhard Dieterle (ITTO)
Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hung
Ms. Milagros Sandoval
Session 1: Measurement of emission reductions and development of reference revel
Julian FoxFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO)FAO support to Forest Reference Emission Levels for REDD-plus, Experiences and Lessons Learnt PDFProceedings
Nguyen Dinh HungForest Inventory and Planning Institute (FIPI), Viet NamEstablishment of forest reference level in Viet Nam PDFProceedings
Kei SuzukiJapan Forest Technology Association (JAFTA)Role of forest monitoring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo PDFProceedings
Session 2: REDD-plus activities at local level and participation of the private sector in REDD-plus
Kosaku OnakaForestry AgencyCurrent progress and future plan of REDD+ under the Joint Crediting Mechanism PDFProceedings
Milagros SandovalConservation International (CI), PeruProcess of consensus making with related organizations in San Martin Region PDFProceedings
Kimiko OkabeFFPRIGoals of REDD-plus safeguards PDFProceedings
Panel discussion : Future challenges to promote REDD-plus with private sector participationProceedings
Presentation - Gerhard Dieterle (ITTO) PDF