Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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UNFCCC COP23 Side Event

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Mangroves in the Tropics:
Realizing their Potential for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation


13th (Mon) November 2017 "16:45-18:15"


Meeting Room 4, "Bonn zone"


Mangroves are one of the most carbon rich ecosystems storing around 1000 tonnes of carbon per hectare, which is up to five times more than carbon stored in terrestrial tropical forests. Mangrove ecosystems are essential for climate change adaptation and mitigation: if sustainably managed, they will increase the resilience of ecosystems and the livelihoods of coastal inhabitants while storing globally significant amounts of carbon.

However, mangrove forests are facing tremendous pressure from deforestation causing the increase of degraded area and further emissions of greenhouse gases. Globally mangroves cover an area of around 13.5 million hectares (FAO 2007) after losing almost half in the previous 50 years. There would be a number of possibilities for these ecosystems to be brought into the international arenas, including NDC, REDD+, and NAMA, where adaptation and mitigation measures can be implemented in synergy. This event will share lessons learned from mangrove management in the tropics and discuss key mitigation & adaptation attributes of mangroves to realize their potential in addressing Article 5 of the Paris Agreement as well as SDG 14 ('life below water') and SDG 15 ('life on land').

Tentative programme

Opening Remarks: Mr. Koji Makimoto, Deputy Director General, Forestry Agency, Japan


Prof. Daniel Murdiyarso, Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Dr. Yasumasa Hirata, Principal Research Director, REDD R&D Center, FFPRI, Japan

Dr. Nur Masripatin, Director General of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia

Ms. Cecile Bibiane Ndjebet, President, African Women's Network for Community Management of Forests (REFACOF), Cameroon

Ms. Jenny Wong Lai Ping, Programme Officer, Mitigation, Data and Analysis Programme, UNFCCC Secretariat

Mr. Takahiro Morita, Group Director, Global Environment Department, JICA, Japan

Closing Remarks: Dr. Gerhard Dieterle, Executive Director, International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

Moderator: Dr. Hwan-ok Ma (ITTO)


ITTO; Dr. Hwan-ok Ma,

REDD R&D Center, FFPRI, Japan; Dr Yasumasa Hirata,

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