Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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COP23 the Japan Pavilion Workshop

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COP23 the Japan Pavilion Workshop
Potential and Challenges on the Private Sector's Contributions to the Implementation of REDD-plus activities


16th November 2017 15:00-16:30


The Japan Pavilion, Bonn Zone of COP23, Bonn, Germany


REDD-plus, which is one of the main mitigation measures in developing countries, has significant potential to achieve the 2 degree target globally. The series of REDD-plus methodologies (the so-called Warsaw framework) were decided at COP19 in 2013. Then the Parties adopted the Paris Agreement in 2015 which include REDD-plus as a stand-alone article to encourage the Parties to take actions to implement and support of its activities. Furthermore, the Green Climate Fund decided the Terms of Reference of the pilot program of REDD-plus results-based payments at the 18th Board Meeting held in Cairo last month.

Under these circumstances, REDD-plus stakeholders also have to start looking at the Implementation Phase of REDD-plus activities after almost finalizing the Readiness Phase, such as the establishment of forest reference levels and the development of national REDD-plus strategies, among other activities.

Therefore, the scaling up of REDD-plus activities and their sustainability are becoming the main challenges, and the involvement of the private sector and the mobilization of private finance should be addressed at both the policy and field levels to proceed with these challenges.

In the Asian region, Australia, Cambodia and Japan focus on these challenges for the support of REDD-plus activities and implement various programs in collaboration with private sectors.

In this event, we will share information on innovative/pilot approaches for the implementation of REDD-plus activities being done by both government and the private sector, and identify potential challenges in implementing this policy agenda.

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Moderator: Dr. Yasumasa Hirata, Directer, REDD Research and Development Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)

Opening Remarks:

 Mr. Koji Makimoto, Deputy Director General, Forestry Agency, Japan


Mr. Kushla Munro, Assistant Secretary, International Climate Change Branch, Department of the Environment and Energy, Australia

Mr. Uy Kamal, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia

Mr. Kosaku Onaka, International Forestry Cooperation Office, Forestry Agency, Japan

Ms. Milagros Sandoval, Senior Manager, Environmental Policy, Conservation International, Peru



REDD R&D Center, FFPRI, Japan; Koichi Tokugawa,