Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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Forest Day 4 Learning event

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Forest Day 4 Learning event (Working title: Delivering the emission reductions in REDD+ : Challenges for customizing MRV for national circumstances)


Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute together with GOFC-GOLD and FAO will hold a panel discussion on Forest Day4 at COP16 in Cancun. There will be our booth at the site and also we will broadcast a blog live in Japanese.

Forest Day 4 : ForestDay-4


Any REDD+ performance-based compensation scheme requires a robust, transparent, and cost-efficient system for measuring, monitoring, and verifying emissions reductions and removals. This learning event explores the challenges we face in designing and implementing national and subnational forest carbon monitoring systems, and in developing a process that is customised to both international requirements and to national circumstances. It brings together participants with different expertise and backgrounds to discuss challenges related to various aspects of REDD+ MRV, ranging from different technology options, institutional arrangements, varying country capacities and REDD+ readiness.

Cancun Center, Conventions and Exhibitions
Boulevard Kukulcan KM. 9 1er Piso, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancun , Quintana Roo, Mexico
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

Speakers / Presentations

Key questions
  1. To what extent can existing national forest inventories serve as a basis for REDD MRV schemes? What are the main institutional barriers, and how can they be removed?
  2. What are the lessons learned from FCPF, UN-REDD, and demonstration activities in terms of national and local capacities for implementing REDD+ MRV systems? How are local forest users involved in these MRV schemes?
  3. What are the major gaps where further research is needed for developing robust, transparent and cost-efficient schemes for measuring, monitoring and verifying emission reductions and removals?
Masahiro Amano (Waseda University)
- Mitsuo Matsumoto (FFPRI)
- Martin Herold (GOFC-GOLD)
- Ben de Jong (ECOSUR, Mexico)
- Felician Kilahama (Forests and Beekeeping Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania)
- Peter Holmgren (Environment, Climate Change and Bioenergy, FAO)
- Sandra Brown (Winrock International)