Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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International Technical Seminar on REDD+ - Knowledge sharing and discussion from practices and experiences


It is essential to have a Measurable, Reportable, and Verifiable (MRV) system for promoting REDD+. This seminar aimed to share the technical conceptions including MRV methods with stakeholders of REDD+, based on the results of international negotiations held in COP16. This seminar was comprised of sessions and panel discussions focusing on REDD+ initiatives and MRV methodologies. It reported efforts from various sectors and countries. Presenters included those from the developing countries, international organizations, representatives from private sector, environmental NGOs and research institutes. A total of 242 participants took part in the seminar.

International Conference Hall of Waseda University, Tokyo
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Supported by
Supported by Forestry Agency Japan
Environmental Research Institute Waseda University
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
Forestry Agency
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
The Japanese Forest Society
The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ)
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Day 1 (Feb. 7, 2012)
Speaker Affiliation Agenda/Presentation Proceedings
Kazuo Suzuki President, FFPRI Opening Remarks
Masatoshi Numata Deputy Director General, Forestry Agency Guest Greetings
Opening session
Mitsuo Matsumoto Director, REDD R&D What are the players'roles to promote and support REDD+?
Session 1: What are REDD+ activities which are consistent with the policies and the needs in developing countries?
Moderator: Henry Scheyvens (IGES)
Constin Bigol, Bruno Kuroh Independent State of Papua New Guinea REDD+ Readiness Activities by Papua New Guinea Forest Authority
Sairusi Sevu Bulai Secretariat of the Pacific Community Regional Support for REDD+ Readiness in the Pacific Proceedings
Samsudin Musa Forest Research Institute Malaysia Reducing Forest Degradation and Emissions through Sustainble Forest Management (SFM) in Penisular Malaysia Proceedings
Q/A Session
Poster Session / Lunch
Moderator: Hiroki Miyazono (JICA)
Yuyu Rahayu Republic of Indonesia Progress of MRV System in Indonesia
Omaliss Keo Kingdom of Cambodia The link of REDD+ activities to existing policies and strategies in Cambodia
Khamsene Ounekham Lao People's Democratic Republic Status of REDD+ in Lao PDR
Institutions, Frameworks and Pilot Activities

Noriyoshi Kitamura Socialist Republic of Vietnam/JICA Current Status of REDD+ in Vietnam
International Technical Seminar Toward Developing a framework of global REDD+ -Scaling up of demonstration activities and integrating players' roles
Q&A/Discussion Session
Moderator: Eduardo Mansur (ITTO)
Joaquim Armando Macuacua Republic of Mozambique Plan of Technical Cooperation with JICA under the REDD+ toward Formulation of REDD+
implementation Framework in Mozambique
Patrick Onotamba Kondjo Democratic Republic of the Congo The DRC National Forest Monitoring System for REDD+
Daniel Gonzalez Sosa
Lidia Florencia Perez de
Larissa Karina Rejalaga
Republic of Paraguay Policy and institutional Framework to develop a REDD+ strategy in Paraguay AND RESEARCH To estimate Carbon Stocks in native woods in Paraguay
Q/A Session Proceedings
Wrap-up ( Day1 )
Mitsuo Matsumoto Director, REDD R&D Wrap-up ( Day1 )
Day 2 (Feb. 8, 2012)
Speaker Affiliation Agenda/Presentation Proceedings
Kazuo Suzuki President, FFPRI Opening Remarks
Session 2: How should REDD+ demonstration activities be implemented and scaled up to sub-national and national level?
Moderator: Masahiro Amano (Waseda University)
(1)Approach for scaling-up
Naomi Swickard Verified Carbon Standard The Verified Carbon Standard
Scaling up REDD+: Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+
(PDF 0.5MB)
Mitsuo Matsumoto REDD R&D, FFPRI Development of REDD+ Guidelines for Bilateral Carbon Offset Mechanism
Jonah Busch Conservation International Structuring reference levels across scales:
Case studies from Indonesia and Peru

(PDF 1.3MB)
Sarah Walker Winrock International Potential Role of Subnational and Local Actors in REL and MRV DATA Creation
Q/A Session
Moderator: Masahiro Amano (Waseda University)
(2)On-the-ground activities and required skills/techniques
Evarist Nderinyanga Nashanda United Republic of Tanzania Development and Implementation of REDD+ Activities in the United Republic of Tanzania `Towards Developing a Framework of Global REDD+'
Scaling up Demonstration activities and Integrating Plauers' Roles
Kei Suzuki Japan Forest Technology Association Development of REL in VN
-Interim results and lessons learned through JICA project-

(PDF 4.2MB)
Yoshiyuki Kiyono REDD R&D, FFPRI Contributing REDD-plus through research and development of forest carbon monitoring methodologies - Endeavors of REDD R&D Center
Q/A Session
Poster Session
Session 3: What goals should be achieved through REDD+? - Beyond REDD+
Moderator: Koji Ueda (Forestry Agency)
Hwan Ok Ma ITTO What goals should be reached through REDD+? And beyond REDD+? Proceedings
Zulfira Warta WWF Indonesia REDD+: Is it sufficient for Forest Solution? Proceedings
Henry Scheyvens IGES What should REDD+ achieve? Sustainable communities and good forest governance
Q/A Session
Panel discussion:
What capacities are required for players in developing and developed countries and
what measures are required to promote necessary capacity building for REDD+?
Moderator: Mitsuo Matsumoto (Director, REDD R&D)
Panelist Naomi Swickard (Verified Carbon Standard) Theme :
What capacities are required for players in developing and developed countries and
what measures are required to promote necessary capacity building for REDD+?
Jonah Busch (Conservation International)
Sarah Walker (Winrock International)
Omaliss Keo (Kingdom of Cambodia)
Satoshi Akahori (Forestry Agency Japan)
Closing Session
Mitsuo Matsumoto Director, REDD R&D General Overview