International Seminar: REDD+ Implementation and Sustainable Forest Management
REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, sustainable management of forest, conservation and enhancement of carbon stocks) is considered a promising global contribution for countering climate change and has been discussed to develop the international framework at the Conference of the Parties (COP) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). At COP19 held in Warsaw 2013, the "Warsaw Framework for REDD plus", which consist of 7 decisions covering technical guidance, finance, and institutional arrangement. It is a big step toward the development of the result-based payment scheme of REDD+. Many countries are currently engaged in REDD+ readiness activities: defining national strategies, developing national forest monitoring systems, carrying out stakeholders' consultations, etc., through multilateral initiatives, bilateral cooperation (including south-south), and domestic efforts.
Gap to be addressed: While enhancing capacities and raising awareness are essential to create enabling conditions for implementing REDD+, countries also have to prepare for taking actions on the ground to lead the implementation of the defined policies and measures to attain their targeted results and outcomes to contribute to tackling climate change through forest activities, in particular, through mitigation actions, without forgetting other challenges such as the importance of adaptation to climate change. However, it became clear that the implementation of the REDD+ activities is challenging, as forests, in most cases, are homes to human communities or exposed to high pressure from various factors such as agriculture expansion for food security and producing cash crops. Thus, sustainable practices have to be promoted on the ground to guarantee forest preservation and enhancement as well as sustainable livelihoods. There is a point where SFM can play an important role.
Time to take action: Many countries are exactly on the way to move up to the next phase of REDD+, where demonstration activities will be implemented while preparing for full implementation of REDD+. It is time for policies and measures to be tested and refined. Learning from and internalizing experiences and knowledge from decades of projects aiming at promoting sustainable forest management will be a key to achieve REDD+ goals on the ground, as well as to avoid past failures. Although REDD+ projects at local level are carried out in many countries and many useful insights and experiences are acquired from these projects, development of nation-wide REDD+ programmes are still underway. REDD+ programmes at national level will be developed, implemented and linked to national report and REDD+ compliance requirements. Policies, measures, and best practices are important elements to be added in these strategies. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that implementation of forest related activities on the ground at local and sub-national levels will play a key role at the demonstration phase and at the later phase, within national broader framework.
Why SFM: At the United Nations Conference of Development and Environment (the Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the concept of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) was proposed as a comprehensive goal of the forest sector at international, national, and local level. Since then, many efforts have been made all over the world to realize the concept. SFM is "a dynamic and evolving concept aims to maintain and enhance the economic, social and environmental value of all types of forests, for the benefit of present and future generations" [UNFF, 2007]. While, in the context of climate change mitigation, SFM could provide a ?exible, robust, credible and well-tested framework for simultaneously reducing carbon emissions, sequestering carbon, and enhancing adaptation to climate change [CPF, 2008]. At the same time, it can help supply many other social and environmental services of forests. Sharing information and experiences of the successes and failures in the past decades in SFM projects and wider activities is urgent for engaging in well informed and successful REDD+ implementation. In short, forests 'saved' by REDD, or reforested, restored, or afforested will still need to be well managed.
REDD+ and SFM in a broader landscape context: In addition, it is also important to recall that as most of the underlying causes of deforestation such as agricultural expansion, mining, and electric power developments are generated other than the forest sector, it would be unrealistic to leave the forest sector alone holding the bag for addressing the challenges. Therefore, it is important to revisit the concept of SFM from a wider view and develop its measures in the context of REDD+.
The main objective of our international seminar is to review and discuss the latest SFM approaches and activities at all scales and forest types, exploring the linkages and synergies with REDD+, with the aim of turning SFM into a mean and an opportunity for REDD+, specifically through:
- Facilitating the exchange of experiences, tools, and inspiring cases of SFM implementation that can contribute to five REDD+ activities: reducing deforestation, reducing forest degradation, sustainable management of forests, conservation, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks,
- Discussing about challenges for addressing different scales of implementation and exploring challenges caused by scaling-up from projects/demonstration activities to national scales, and
- Facilitating reflections about the role of SFM in the context of REDD+ demonstration projects and full implementation.
- Schedule
- -
- Venue
- U Thant International Conference Hall of the UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY, Tokyo
- Language
- Japanese and English (simultaneous translation)
- Organizers
- Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Co-organizers
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
- Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
- United Nations University (UNU)
- Under the auspices of:
- Forestry Agency
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Ministry of Environment
- The Japanese Forest Society (JFS)
- The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology
- Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- The Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ)
Time | Speaker | Affiliation | Agenda/Presentation | Proceedings |
Opening session | ||||
9:30 | Opening | |||
9:30 - 10:00 | Dr. Kazuo Suzuki | President, FFPRI | Opening Remarks | Proceedings |
Dr. Kazuhiko Takeuchi | Senior Vice-President, United Nations University | Guest Speech | Proceedings | |
Mr. Akihito Miyahara | Deputy Director General, Forestry Agency, Japan | Guest Speech | ||
Mr. Eduardo Mansur | Director, Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division, FAO | Guest Speech REDD+ Implementation and Sustainable Forest Management |
Proceedings | |
Session 1 : Sharing information on international negotiations | ||||
10:00 - 10:20 | Ms. Jenny Wong | UNFCCC Secretariat | Update on the international negotiations on REDD-plus under the UNFCCC -key outcomes from Warsaw [ | Proceedings |
10:20 - 10:40 | Coffee break | |||
Session 2 : SFM in the context of REDD+ implementation Chaired by Dr. Mitsuo Matsumoto, FFPRI |
10:40 - 12:30 | Dr. Patrick Durst | FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific | SFM and REDD+:Two discourses - one ultimate goal | Proceedings |
Dr. Ian Thompson | Natural Resources Canada,Canadian Forest Service / IUFRO-GFEP | Sustainable forest management in the context of REDD+ | Proceedings | |
Dr. Makoto Inoue | The University of Tokyo | Dramas of the CPRs:logical development to take lessons for REDD+ implementation | Proceedings | |
Q/A session | Proceedings | |||
12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch break | |||
Session 3 : Multipurpose of SFM and REDD+ activities: Importance of data/information collection to support them Chaired by Mr. Hiroki Miyazono, JICA |
13:30 - 15:20 | Dr. Maria Jose Sanz-Sanchez | UN-REDD Programme,FAO | National forest monitoring systems in the context of REDD+, importance of data collection | Proceeding |
Dr. Yasumasa Hirata | FFPRI | For the sake of the establishment of reliable forest carbon monitoring system | Proceedings | |
Dr. Carmenza Robledo | Ecoexistence - Robledo Abad Althaus | sCreen - Fast track estimation of carbon benefits from forestry activities | Proceedings | |
Q/A session | ||||
15:20 - 15:50 | Coffee break | |||
Session 4 : Experiences from SFM while promoting REDD+ Chaired by Dr. Henry Scheyvens, IGES |
15:50 - 17:10 | Prof. N.H. Ravindranath | Centre for Sustainable Technologies,Indian Institute of Science | REDD+ and SFM; Status, Opportunities and Challenges in India | Proceedings |
Mr. Deuteronomy Kasaro | REDD+ Coordination Unit,Ministry of Lands,Natural Resources and Environmental Protection,Republic of Zambia | Linking REDD+ with SFM: The REDD+ Readiness Process in Zambia | Proceedings | |
Q/A session | ||||
Closing Session | ||||
17:10 - 17:30 | Dr. Mitsuo Matsumoto | FFPRI | Summary of Day 1 | |
17:30 | Closing | |||
18:00-20:00 | Post-seminar gathering |
Time | Speaker | Affiliation | Agenda/Presentation | Proceedings |
Opening | ||||
9:30 | Opening | |||
9:30 - 9:50 | Dr. Mitsuo Matsumoto | FFPRI | Introduction | |
Session 1 : Lessons from REDD+ readiness and demonstration project implementations and linkages with SFM Chaired by Dr. Ma Hwan-ok, ITTO |
9:50 - 11:00 | Dr. Yetti Rusli | Senior Advisor,Ministry of Forestry,Republic of Indonesia | Future Perspective of REDD+ Implementation and the National Forest Policy in Indonesia | Proceedings |
Q/A session | ||||
11:00 - 11:20 | Coffee break | |||
Session 2 : Moving from local experiences to national implementation. SFM at different scales. Carbon accounting and registering Chaired by Dr. Maria Jose Sanz-Sanchez,UN-REDD Programme, FAO |
11:20 - 12:40 | Dr. Mitsuo Matsumoto | FFPRI | Development of REDD+ Guidelines for JCM | Proceedings |
Ms. Naomi Swickard | Verified Carbon Standard | VCS Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+: Advancements and Opportunities | Proceedings | |
Ms. Donna Lee | Independent Consultant | Scaling Up: Challenges of Large-Scale REDD+ | Proceedings | |
Q/A session | Proceedings | |||
12:40 - 14:00 | Lunch break | |||
Session 3 : Thinking from broader perspective : Landscape approach Chaired by Mr. Satoshi Akahori, Forestry Agency |
14:00 - 15:00 | Ms. Donna Lee | Independent Consultant | Scaling Up: Challenges of Large-Scale REDD+ | Proceedings |
Dr. Louis V. Verchot | CIFOR | REDD+ in landscapes: drivers of deforestation, institutions and jurisdictions | Proceedings | |
Q/A session | Proceedings | 15:00 - 15:30 | Coffee break | |
Panel Discussion : The role of SFM in REDD+ implementation: Enabling environments, opportunities, and synergies. Moderator: Mr. Eduardo Mansur, FAO |
15:30 - 17:00 | Panelists: ・Dr. Ian Thompson ・Dr. Ir.Yusurum Jagau ・Dr. Yasumasa Hirata ・Ms. Naomi Swickard ・Dr. Carmenza Robledo ・Dr. Louis V. Verchot ・Mr. Deuteronomy Kasaro |
Proceedings | ||
Closing Session | Proceedings | |||
17:00 - 17:30 | Dr. Mitsuo Matsumoto | FFPRI | Conclusion of the seminar | |
17:30 | Closing |