Input requested from GCF
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Secretariat invites organizations and all entities involved and interested in REDD+ results-based payments(RBP), to provide inputs for the development of the GCF Request for Proposals for REDD+ RBP. The template enclosed below includes guiding questions provided as reference only and can be complemented with additional questions identified by the REDD+ stakeholders.Submission
Official submission of inputs on behalf of an organization or group of organizations preferably in MS Word format should be sent via e-mail as one document with subject line: "REDD+ RBP call for public inputs" to by 20th March 2017 at 23:59 Korean Standard Time.
The official submission should clearly indicate:
- Full Name
- Title/Position
- Organization/Affiliation
- Contact details including telephone and e-mail address
Further information regarding the background: