Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
REDD-plus and Forest-DRR Research and Development Center.

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Guests from the University of Forestry (Yezin), Myanmar

On June 17, 2016, FFPRI welcomed two guests from the Republic of the Union of Myanmar: Rector, Dr. Myint Oo, and Professor Dr. Tin Tin Maung of the University of Forestry (Yezin), accompanied by Professor Mamoru KANZAKI, Graduate School of Agriculture, and Professor Shinya TAKEDA, Graduate School of Asia and African Area Studies at Kyoto University. Four Kyoto University PhD students from the Republic of the Union of Myanmar joined their visit. In the exhibit area at the FFPRI entrance, they observed samples of wood-based materials such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), and of traditional solid wood joint system, along with an overview of FFPRI wood research.
Next, a brief FFPRI introduction was made by Dr. Iwao NODA, Director, Center for International Partnerships and Study on Climate Change. The open policy of FFPRI international partnerships was described. Dr. Yasumasa HIRATA, Director of REDD Research & Development Center and Principal Research Director of Climate Change, overviewed the years of activities for tropical forest conservation conducted by FFPRI REDD Research & Development Center. Finally, Dr. Tamotsu SATO, Chief of Community Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Forest Vegetation, introduced his study on estimation of forest carbon stock including bamboo in southern Shan, the Republic of Union of Myanmar.
Following the seminar, our guests made a courtesy visit to President Dr. Haruo SAWADA, Vice-President Dr. Hiroshi TANAKA, and Vice-President Dr. Hiroki KATSURAGAWA, to exchange views on management of forestry research organization. Dr. SAWADA introduced Dr. Thi Thi Nge from the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, who worked at Department of Forest Resource Chemistry, FFPRI, and encouraged the Myanmar Kyoto University students to contact Dr. Nge.

Photos, FFPRI President Office
(Left: From left to right, Prof. TAKEDA, Vice-President TANAKA, Prof. Tin Tin Maung, President SAWADA, Rector Myint Oo, Vice-president KATSURAGAWA, and Prof. KANZAKI)

Photos, FFPRI Seminar Room
(Lecturers: Dr. Iwao NODA, Director, Center for International Partnerships and Study on Climate Change, Dr. Yasumasa HIRATA, Director of REDD Research & Development Center and Principal Research Director of Climate Change, and Dr. Tamotsu SATO, Chief of Community Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Forest Vegetation)

Photos, FFPRI entrance, exhibit area
(Right: Samples of traditional Japanese timber joint without using metals)