国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構 森林総合研究所




平田泰雅 (森林総合研究所 研究ディレクター , REDD研究開発センター長)





< 発表タイトル名 >
「平田泰雅、齋藤英樹、Leng Chivin, Sar Sophyra: Classification of forest carbon stock for identification of forest degradation using Landsat data for REDD+ implementation」

< 英語要旨 >
  「This study aims to classify forest carbon stock for identification of forest degradation using Landsat data for REDD+ implementation. We define forest degradation as a change to smaller carbon stock class for a certain period. We acquired Landsat images of Kampong Thom, Cambodia, and field survey was carried out to estimate forest carbon stock. After atmospheric correction of Landsat data, we performed object-based classification using them. Statistics on reflectance in each band of satellite data were also calculated for those objects. We made an object-based model to estimate forest carbon stock from the satellite data by multiple regression analysis using the field-based carbon stock estimate as the object variables and statistics of satellite data as explanatory variables. Forest carbon in each object was divided into three class for evergreen forest and two classes for other forest types, and classes of forest carbon stock were mapped. We identified and mapped changes to a small forest stock class using carbon stock class maps of two different dates to identify forest degradation. This approach makes it possible to introduce evaluation of loss by forest degradation in REDD+ monitoring system.」